How do I know when to replace or restore my wood floor?

Hey everyone, as always, welcome to our page. I hope I can help you all, even if it’s just to put a smile on your face for a moment. 

If you have landed on my page, you’re possibly thinking about wood floor restoration and are thinking, how do I know when to replace or restore my wood floor?

Now, you can head straight to the section, Replace vs restore. (Remember to check out the blogs at the end, as they may also come in handy!)

You like to read?… then carry on, as you were! 

We love a reader… for obvious reasons, but I also love reading. Think that’s why I like this job so much! I get to write my own little stories about real-life stuff, and it’s the best.

Writing about the wood floors is my favourite by far. 

When I see how our guys can transform a floor from being a little old and grubby to a fantastic feature that I would love to have in my home, the writing becomes so easy!

Before I start, have a look at why I have a new love for wood floors:

Amazing, aren’t they… but as amazing as they are, you should always have all the information you need before making changes to your wood floor. 

A newly sanded floor is the most stunning feature of any home, commercial or retail property. Do this right, and the result is just breathtaking.

How you will know when to replace or restore your wood floor:

So, you might still be trying to figure out how to make this decision or even feel confident after reading this to make a choice, but your friendly professionals are only a call away and will always be happy to help.

How will you know when to replace your wood floor?

  • Have the boards been refinished before?

The answer to this question is important, so I am starting with it. There are only so many times the boards will be able to be refinished before you make the planks too thin to support their standard weight allowance. We recommend sanding engineered wood at most a couple of times.

  • Have you had a pest or bug infestation?

Wood floors that have become infested need replacing ASAP so the problem doesn’t spread to other areas of your home. Termites aren’t the only creatures to bring your floor to its end, any insect infestation is a sign it’s time to get new floors.

  • Have you had a lot of water damage?

Water damage can damage a wood floor beyond any form of repair, flooding is the worst! The good news is that if your whole floor isn’t a problem, you may get away with just replacing the boards. Then, sand and refinish the room so they will all match the original boards.

  • Are there a lot of deep scratches?

If the scratches are too deep, you won’t be able to sand them down enough to repair them. Floors sanded more than once will not be able to be sanded.

  • Are there any loose floorboards?

Does your floor shift, bend, buckle or sway when you walk over it? More likely than not, it will need replacing, but if you’re unsure, always ask a professional for advice. 

  • Is there any permanent staining?

Bet you didn’t know that juice, yes juice, can leave a permanent stain. Just me that didn’t know that? Sadly, if any spill, even wine and paint, is left down for too long will stain immediately! You might not even notice it to start with. However, sanding or cleaning floors will make them stand out like a sore thumb. 

Our sister company, Art of Flooring, is always happy to help with your replacement floors. (And not just wood!) They will require you to book an appointment as they are a very busy small team and like to dedicate their attention to every customer. To book an appointment, please click here

How will you know when to restore your wood floor?

  • Grey areas start appearing on your boards.

As soon as the old finish wears off, your floor instantly begins to absorb moisture. The areas that are doing this will appear to be a slightly grey colour. Get the professionals in, and they will let you know if it’s time to restore, refinish or replace.

  • Are your rugs sticking on the wood?

Is your rug caught on something… it may not have been doing it long, but as soon as it does, it’s time to get your floor checked out. It’s probable that it just needs cleaning, but the quicker you have someone check it out, the less damage.

  • Has the floor started warping?

The most common cause of warping is moisture. There may be a separation between planks that may be noticeable. Edges of the board may turn down or buckle upwards. If you notice any of these issues, call your local professional. You may find they think the board/boards need replacing, but it’s always worth getting it checked.

  • Your bored and fancy a change?

And why not? You work hard, and you’re entitled to upgrade your room if you want to. There is no better way to change than starting with the most prominent feature and making that fit with your new design. It’s impressive how restoring your wood floor can make an instant difference to how the area around it looks.

Hope this has covered as much as you need to make your decision of  how to know when to replace or restore your wood floor.

As a little more help to making your choice I have a few blogs that may help you!

If you would like to know why wood floors are so popular, check this one out:

Why are wood floors so popular?

Need to know the cost, this should be of use:

What does floor sanding cost In East Anglia?

To find the best company that fits you:

Floor Sanding Companies In Cambridgeshire


Written by Tracey Gilbey, Marketing

For further advice or information on our Carpet and Soft Furnishing care, please do not hesitate to contact the Art of Clean team on 01223 901551 in Cambridge. Our services include Carpet Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning, oriental and area Rug Cleaning, Curtain Cleaning, Patio, and Driveway Pressure washing, Leather Cleaning, Stone and Tile Floor Cleaning, and Wood Floor Sanding and Restoration. We also supply new flooring and carpets through our sister company Art of Flooring. Our Dry-Cleaning service is provided by Farthings Cambridge